In the event that I am incapacitated and unable to make my wishes known regarding my dog(s), please honor the following requests:
The welfare of my dog(s) is my primary consideration.
Contact as soon as possible:
Day phone number : _______________________________ Night phone number: ______________________________
If they cannot be reached, please contact:
Day phone number: ______________________________ Night phone number: ____________________________ All expenses for the dog(s) will be guaranteed by them.
If the dog(s) are not injured, they are to be cared for by the nearest reputable boarding kennel, and be kept in the best possible manner until arrangements can be made to get them home.
If the dog(s) are injured, they are to be cared for by the nearest reputable veterinarian. I prefer that my Veterinarian be contacted regarding decisions on the dog(s) care and treatment. They have all of my dog(s) medical records available.
Contact my Veterinarian:
Day phone number:________________________________
Night phone number: ______________________________
If any dog is injured beyond all hope of recovery, that dog is to be humanely euthanized.
Photographs and descriptions of the dog(s) are attached as are their health and vaccination records. For identification purposes these dogs are either tattooed with an identifying number or have had a microchip ID implant.
I want to emphasize that the welfare of my dog(s) is my primary consideration.
Address: _________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Home Phone: _______________________________________________________
Work Phone:_______________________________________________________
Spouse/Significant Other: _____________________________________________
Parents: __________________________________________________________