Make sure that you have your sound on and that you have either a Windows Player or Quicktime set to play MP3's
October 3 2001 - January 1 2006
Annie my beautiful baby you fought for so long yet we lost the battle. It wasn't meant to end this way you were suppose to get better and come back to work with your mum. I know the place your in now is a much better place. I miss you my sweet more than anybody could know.You and I were inseperable that bond we had can never be broken I only had you for a short time but you were meant to last a lifetime with me. I had plans for you to be at our wedding walk me down the isle, now what do I do?? I miss you darling more than you could've known.. Grandma and Grandpa send you their love. As I hold back the tears and try to over come my fears with you gone. The ache thats in my heart is tearing me up inside. Rest in Peace babe and just know that mum and dad are always with you.
I Love You Annie
Your loving mum
Trace xxx
July 7 1999- January 3 2006
"I have you fast in my fortress,
And will not let you depart,
But put you down into the dungeon
In the round-tower of my heart.
And there will I keep you forever,
Yes, forever and a day,
Till the walls shall crumble to ruin,
And moulder in dust away
from a poem by Longfellow
October 6 1994 - January 30 2006
God I want him back..
just for one more day
just for
one more way
to say
I love Reilly
I miss you so..
I would stare at his face
perfection that only
God could create..
I long to see again
his smiling eyes
wagging tail
greeting me at the door..
there are moments
of enlightenment
that he is in a happy
place now..
at peace
back home
to stay..
and then a moment seems of..
endless heartache
that I feel shall
never fade away..
"I can't believe he is gone"
my beautiful big red boy..
I love you Reilly
I miss you so
Waiting for
Jacz & Archie
"Baby Boy"
Even though it was not the epilepsy that took Sammy away from us we lived with this illness for 4 years. I chose this picture because we were each others life and we made each other happy. My baby is smiling from ear to ear I wanted to share a poem I wrote to him....
Written to Sampson with Love
I look in your eyes
It's as if you don't know
Of this terrible monster
That attacks you so
It takes over your little body
Under no ones control
It pulls at my heart strings
Like no one will ever know
My heart breaks to watch you
Knowing that, there will come that day
When this awful monster, takes you away
Away from us, my baby you'll be
I can't tell you how much
I Love You, you see
You are my heart
My friend and my baby
The thought of losing you
Is driving me crazy
I wish I could help you
Reach in, and take this monster out
I stand in the sidelines
Wondering what it's all about
Why does this happen
Why does it have to be you
I watch helplessly
Knowing there's nothing, I can do
I know it's best
To let it run its' course
But I want to stop this monster
That has no remorse
It's not human
So, we can't make a deal
This is the seizure monster
Believe me, it's real
Real for us both
You and me
Though, I never want to lose you
From this you would be free
It breaks my heart
There's no doubt
Hopefully together
We can work this out
So until God calls you home
We're in this together
So we have to be strong
I will love you
The best I know how
And while we still have time
We will be best pals
We will eat, play and sleep together
And in my heart you'll live
I'll love you forever *Sampson* my baby boy ......Mama
Written by Cindy O'Dell © 11-19-02
On February 2, 2006 my baby boy was taken from us by a Spleenic Tumor rupturing. My life feels so empty now but I know he will never seize again nor will there be anymore pain of any kind in his life. Rest in peace baby boy, I will miss you and love you FOREVER!!!
All of your family human and fur will miss you.
April 8 2002 - January 24 2006
Peanut, you came into my life almost unexpectedly as you left it. Your mother was pregnant when I brought her home and the next day there you were. I fell in love with you instantly. You were a handful as a puppy but I loved every minute of it. You were a wonderful part of my life and I would not trade the time we had together for anything. I almost lost you to Addisons Disease and then the horrible seizures started but we muddled through. I am not sure why I lost you in the end and my heart is broken into pieces. But I know that you are with you mother at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for the day when we will be together again. I will love you forever and you will live on in my heart.
I miss you so
August 4 2003 - January 25 2006
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be."
Amy & Gage
from a childrens book by Robert Munsch
1997 - Feb 9 2006
Cody, you had such a hard life before I found you. It broke my heart the first time that I saw you tied to that dog box on a 4 ft chain. I knew right there and then that I had to do something. I brought you home and treated you like a king because that is what you deserved. You stole my heart from day one and it is broke into pieces now that you are gone. I miss you beyond words and my life will not be the same without you. I know that you and Peanut and Jasmine are playing by the bridge but please wait for me and someday we will all be together again.
I will love you forever!
I miss you very much!
Mykala "Maggie" Mae
August 18 1994 - February 12 2006
Our Bubby Goose
You were taken so suddenly & without warning
We are lost without you
There is an emptiness that can not be filled
The 11 years you were with us were filled with such joy
You could always make us laugh
You were so silly
We miss hearing you bark at everything
We miss hearing you screech your teeth across your stuffed toys
We miss watching you chase after black & white kitty
Always just out of reach
We miss kissing your silky soft face
And hugging you so much
We loved to watch you eat & chew your biscuits with your front teeth
We miss seeing you laying in your spot.
Goosy we just miss everything about you
Its so hard to beleive your gone
We can't wait to see you again
Until then we will live in our memories of you
And cherish our meetings in our dreams
We love you Bubby Goose
You'll always be with us
Just be happy at the bridge till we get there
Daddy, Mommy & Baby Jo
February 4, 2004 - February 16, 2006
Caleb, what can we say about you? How can we honor your life? You were only with us 2 years and 12 days. You gave us much more than we gave you. Each day with you was like the verse in the Bible, Hebrews 13:2 "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.". You were an angel. Oh, how you would hate that we say tried to act the part of a devil, but one look in your eyes contradicted that. You touched so many lives. More than we ever could. You knew how to "work a room", looking for the person who needed a smile. And, oh, how you made everyone smile!. The day before you died - that man that you just had to make smile. You did! You turned away from a doggie treat to make that man smile. Your final mission? I think so...
So many problems plagued never complained. Poked, prodded, tested - all with a wag of the tail. In the end, it wasn't Epilepsy that claimed you.
You saved your mommy's life. Did you know that? How can she ever repay you? Your daddy loved you more than any other...Your "auntie" LaVonda loved you as her own. We're so thankful she found you and gave you to us. Kalon, Heidi - you touched them deeply too. Our little angel in a devil disguise. Oh how we miss you. The tears still flow. You would hate that we cry. We are trying to be brave. Your life has humbled us and taught us much. Wait for us, our sweet boy, wait for us. Rest well, your work is done.
Until we meet again,
We love you,
Mommy, Daddy, Auntie LaVonda.
Princess, the kitties and all of your friends
My Candy.
April 13 1990 - February 20 2006
I remember the first time I saw you my little dancing queen. Your two sisters and your brother ran out from behind the door and I looked at them and they were lovely but I my heart was set on a golden girl and I explained that to the sister of your mother's owner who was looking after you all. I can still remember my surprise when she smiled and said 'There's another one behind the door'. Then you came out still half asleep, so tiny and the colour of golden sand, an impossible colour for a Jack Russell. I knew you were meant for me.
You were such a tiny puppy that you used to sleep curled up in my furry slipper and you grew into such a good gentle little girl, except for chewing all your teddy bears up and unstuffing them so I had to keep sewing them back together for you or buying new ones and you loved to play with your football and carry it about even though it was almost bigger than you.
You healed my heart which broke when Sam died a year before you were born. Then when my mother died on your second birthday you curled up on my shoulder and put your little cheek on mine and your love and devotion healed my broken heart all over again.
Who will heal my broken heart now baby love? Jasper is trying to, he gives me big hugs and kisses but he is missing you too and lovely though his kisses are they are not your gentle Candy kisses.
I know that you leapt straight from my arms to my mother's arms and that every second that passes and every step I take is bringing me back to you, until that time comes Sam will look after you my baby and play with you and I know you will love him because you always did love big dogs and he is very beautiful too. Be happy my beautiful girl, my little queen. I will love you forever and one day I will hold you in my arms again. I promise.
Your Mama
August 6, 1995 - March 7, 2006
Sloeberke my love, what can I say, except that the fact we had to help you to the Bridge less than 5 months after your twin sis Kiki, left us in shock and tears. Bone cancer, spread to the all happened so fast, way too fast. One week earlier you still looked very healthy and happy, talking to your humans and arguing with them like you've done all your life, you were the most vocal cat of our feline threesome. You were suspicious of strangers, but you loved and trusted all members of your household. You loved our dogs, and you loved epi angel Branco above all, she saw you and Kiki being born, she was your canine "mother".
So, my Sloebie, your body is now resting next to your sis Kiki's, and your spirit is reunited with your best Golden friend. Enjoy your new life, my sweet feline friend, we all love and miss you, always will.
waiting for
Chris, with Jef, your Persian mommy Bonnie and canines golden Lina & mini schnauzer Tara.
April 1990 - April 2006
When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. - Kahlil Gibran
Waiting with Bart, Murphy and Jack
for Deb and Jeff
February 24 2001 - April 28 2006
My big beautiful boy….5 years just wasn’t enough. I hope you are loving your medi-free life at the Bridge in your comfys. Eat well, be loved, get petted, sleep a lot, and enjoy your leash-free world. Mommy loves you so much! I will see you soon…
When God calls little puppies to dwell with Him above
We humans always question the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache can compare with the loss of one small 'child',
Who does so much to make this world seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires - always calling the aged to His fold
And so He picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them and so He picks but few
To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult, yet somehow we must try,
For the saddest word that mankind knows will always be "good-bye".
And so when little pups depart
We, who are left behind, must realize how much God loves puppies....
For angels are hard to find.
Author Unknown
Waiting for Angela
July 21, 1996- May 12, 2006
My beautiful girl
Don't think of her as gone away-
her journey's just begun,
life holds so many facets-
this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost-
and she was loved so much.
E. Brenneman
Oct.19, 1991 - May 18, 2006
My little Peanut
Your bravery was admirable
Fear was something you did not know
When the time comes for me to be brave I only pray that I am half as brave as you
To you there were no limits
Your size nor your epilepsy could keep you from being a "big dog" who deserved respect
Your beautiful blue eyes shown with your wisdom & your sillyness
You could be such a clown when you wanted to be & that was usually quite often
I remember watching you make waves on the waterbed so that you could ride them out
And snorkle in your water bowl
How you managed to put on a pair of Daddys underpants I'll never know
You filled our hearts with laughter & we will always be grateful little Peeps
Peanut the Lion Hearted will live on in our hearts forever
Till we meet again Pee Poo
Love, Mommy, Daddy & Moody
June 11, 1998 -June 8, 2006
Aka - Howlie, Wallace, Wally Dog
I knew the day would come when we would have to say goodbye. I just didn’t expect it so soon. I knew you were getting sick and I just didn’t want to see how sick you were. I thought we had everything under control, the epilepsy and diabetes but it just wasn’t enough. The medicine had been doing its silent damage.
You were my “ baby dog”, always tattling on your brother when he would take your toys. You loved to play together. You would run in the yard holding on to the hose like a team of prancing horses and play tug-o-war with your rope. Lady would take your Kong and sit on the couch with it between her paws, teasing you, and you would come to us barking and whining until we would take it from her and give it to you and then you would be happy. You were such a good boy.
Our house just isn’t the same without you. There is no one to let us know when it is time for bed, no one sitting by the water dish. The pond is still, no more big splashes, no one sitting in front of the fire, or sitting by the tree waiting for me to come home, no more night-night bones, no more big brown eyes staring at me when I eat lunch, no more talking to me with that big, deep “WOOF” when you wanted something, no one to sit on the couch with me in the morning or lay with me at night.
I miss you, my Wally dog. I know you are playing with your brother, Tuffy again and I know you are happy and in peace. In that I have comfort, but I only have emptiness now, missing my boys.
Someday we will be together again but until then I will hold you in my heart and feel the touch of your warm fur against my face when I hug you… run free, my precious boy until we are together again.
Forever missing my Holly Dolly
Love always,
Mom and Dad
Lady, Sally and Sarah, the face licker..
June 28 1998 -June 28 2006
His first 'S' was at the age of 3, I had no idea what was wrong with him...After many trips to the vet, he was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsi
This boy had many different mixes of drugs but his last visit was 3/13/2006 and had none after that until his very sudden passing.
March 2000 - June 29 2006
Dogs In Heaven?
An old man and his dog were walking down this dirt road with fences on
both sides, they came to a gate in the fence and looked in, it was
nice grassy, woody areas, just what a 'huntin' dog and man would like,
but, it had a sign saying 'no trespassing' so they walked on. They
came to a beautiful gate with a person in white robes standing there.
"Welcome to Heaven" he said. The old man was happy and started in with
his dog following him. The gatekeeper stopped him. "Dogs aren't
allowed, I'm sorry but he can't come with you."
"What kind of Heaven won't allow dogs? If he can't come in, then I
will stay out with him. He's been my faithful companion all his life,
I can't desert him now."
"Suit yourself, but I have to warn you, the Devil's on this road and
he'll try to sweet talk you into his area, he'll promise you anything,
but the dog can't go there either. If you won't leave the dog, you'll
spend Eternity on this road."
So the old man and dog went on. They came to a rundown fence with a
gap in it, no gate, just a hole. Another old man was inside. "S'cuse
me Sir, my dog and I are getting mighty tired, mind if we come in and
sit in the shade for awhile?"
"Of course, there's some cold water under that tree over there. Make
yourselves comfortable"
"You're sure my dog can come in? The man down the road said dogs
weren't allowed anywhere."
"Would you come in if you had to leave the dog?"
"No sir, that's why I didn't go to Heaven, he said the dog couldn't come in.
We'll be spending Eternity on this road, and a glass of cold water and
some shade would be mighty fine right about now. But, I won't come in
if my buddy here can't come too, and that's final."
The man smiled a big smile and said "Welcome to Heaven."
"You mean this is Heaven? Dogs ARE allowed? How come that fellow down
the road said they weren't?"
"That was the Devil and he gets all the people who are willing to give
up a life long companion for a comfortable place to stay. They soon
find out their mistake, but then it's too late. The dogs come here,
the fickle people stay there. GOD wouldn't allow dogs to be banned
from Heaven. After all, HE created them to be man's companions in
life, why would he separate them in death?"
Author Unknown
Brandie, Wulf & Pippen
Mac was born on 26 October 2001, his pedigree name was Dalysium Marka Dstnctshn (he was definitely one of the best looking dals I have ever come across), he went to the bridge on 1st July 06. I had to send him on his way after that monster disease took him into status and he could not come back to me.Mac came home with me when he was 9 months old, my husband sent me to the hardware for nails and instead I came home with a Dalmatian! One shopping trip I shall never regret. Mac was a joy, he travelled out bush with us (my husband and I, and then with our daughter Faith after she arrived in this world), he brought joy not just to me and his family but to so many kids out in the isolated Australian bush.
Mac survived an epic journey out bush, he spent a week lost out in the harsh Australian bush on the edge of a desert, but found his way to where people recognized him, then he waited, seeming to know that I would come and find him. Sadly he could not survive the horrible monster that lurked in his body. I love you Mac and even though I am devastated by your leaving, I know that you are free from this terrible illness and all of the drugs. Play with my Baggy-girl while you wait for me at the bridge.
I cried,
At the loss,
And the loneliness,
And the void,
He left behind.
I cried,
At the happiness,
And the love,
And the comfort,
That left with him.
Now the memory
Is not enough;
So, I cry still –
Here, deep inside.
If the Buddhists are right,
And each life
Is but and incarnation,
In a form
Ever closer approaching purity,
Then he will never return;
For there is nothing more perfect,
In all this world,
Than the pure, unselfish Love
He gave to me!
Exert, adapted from ‘Elsa’, author unknown.
Waiting for
Peta's daughter Faith with Mac
27 Aug 1994 - 16 July 2006
Our baby girl Jade, Mummy, Daddy, Saffy and Shanna miss you so much.The pain we are feeling inside, just don't know how to carry on without you. Your family is not complete without you here by our side. I know that you know how much we all love you and we know how much you love us. We have a special bond that can never be broken, your loyalty to us could never be questioned you are the perfect friend.
How I used to come home to your happy face as you always greeted me with a wagging tale and your ball, how you used to follow Mummy around the house, our trips in the van, the jobs we did together, the way you sniffed the trail of each ball we through, the way you put your head under water to retrieve a pebble, when you always bit the van each time you jumped in, your nutty ways you always made us laugh.
Life will not be the same without you here. The twelve wonderful years we had together just passed to quickly, we were meant to spend a life time together. In the end it was just to much for you, the look you gave me with your loverly brown eyes was breaking my heart. I know you could see how much we were hurting to see you like this .You took your pills for your heart and for the seizures but still your heart stopped and now it has broken ours. That's how you made it as easy as you could for us when you fell sleep in our bedroom. We kissed and cuddled you all weekend like we were all saying our goodbyes to you, its as if we all knew tMhe time had come. Mummy and I long to stroke your velvet ears and to kiss and cuddle you again. Even in your last few days you still looked in perfect condition, mummy and I are very pround of that. We will be together again I promise, untill then play with Tweed and Bonnie dog and wait for us. We will never forget you our baby Jade. Mummy and Daddy love you so so much.Please be waiting for Mummy and Daddy
July 15 1993 - July 20 2006
Broken Chain
We little knew that morning, that God would call your name
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us, one by one, the chain will link again.
Waiting for
Dudley & Barney
Nikita' Siberian Express
January 7, 1994 - July 26, 2006
Niki, I miss you so much. I come home after being at work and immediately think "I have to check on Niki". When it is time for your medication, I remember you are no longer here. You were the most energetic puppy I have ever had, always into something. And that famous "Husky Howl". You were born on January 7, 1994 (Daddy's birthday and the day my other dog, Bear, died). You brought me such joy and also sorrow to see you go through those awful seizures. I tried the best I knew how to keep the seizures away but it was not to be. When you got to the point where you could no longer go up and down the stairs or only walk a few feet before falling down, I made the most difficult decision of my life - to let you go. You had a tumor on your liver, which was not going to get better. Even if the tumor was removed, chances are it would grow back or the cancer could spread to other organs. You lived 11 years with these seizures and the medication took its toll on your liver, which we knew it could. I hope you are now at peace and waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
I love you Niki!!
Adopted October 14 2002 - August 12 2006
My sweet Buster, I did my best to help you get better but obviously I failed.
Please forgive me.
Your leaving for the bridge has left a tremendous hole in my heart.
One day we will be reunited and I hope to spend eternity with you.
With all my love,
your 'Mom', Nancy
Daytona DeBasset of Shelby
April 6 1999 - Aug 18 2006.
Faithful friend, loyal companion. we gave it the good fight, but epilepsy won in the end. you came into my life ,when I was having medical problems and you left with my heart. I will see you again someday.
for Becky
Sweet Pea
Unknown-August 22, 2006
Dear Sweet Pea girl, you came home with us in January, 2006. You lived up to your name from the start. Even though humans had abused you and seizures had injured you, you gave us every chance to love you. When the seizures came and were more difficult for you than Mommy and Daddy had been led to believe, you were patient as we learned to do what was best for you.
It was a joy as your personality emerged. We loved seeing you play with your sister Rika. When we found new brother Jack by the side of the road, you soon became his surrogate Mommy dog and play friend. When you became “The Ripper,” tearing a throw or a stack of newspaper during playtime, it was heaven seeing you lost in the joy of the moment.
Slowly, finally, you bonded with Mommy and Daddy. When you started play-nipping to herd Daddy down the stairs to get your breakfast, the bond grew. When you started coming to lie down beside Mommy in her office, the bond grew. When you started to join the rest of our pack in the evening rather than staying at a distance, the bond grew. And, when Daddy would come home from work in the evening and you would run your little hobby-horse run with the other dogs to greet him, the bond grew.
We will never know why you were taken by meningitis just as we were coming together. It was seemingly just another undeserved cruelty heaped on your short life. We hope that you forgive us for not being able to save you from that.
Sweet Pea, we hope that you have met our Bojangles who went before you and that the two of you are taking care of one another. Mommy and Daddy miss you every day, and we look forward to the day when we meet again. Until then, remember that we love you.
Forever yours,
Lisa and Steve, Rika and Jack Black
May 31 1998 - September 4 2006
Lobo- You became my reason in life, I was your life source. We needed each other like fish needs water. Do you know how much I miss you and your “wiff wiff” getting me up every morning at 6AM including my weekends and days off? The house is so empty without you following me around and laying at my feet staring at me.
You made me go through hell and back trying to find you so so many times like the time at Big Sur when you were tied to the chair. I went to get a soda and the chair moved. You thought it was chasing you and you ran and ran and ran into the woods. Finally, I found the chair stuck between 2 trees and you were close by. I never saw you run so fast. You must have been 2 or 3 years old.
There was the time a few weeks ago when we took Jasmine for a walk. It was a warm day and you weren’t moving so well. The garage door was cracked open enough for you to run out. We got back and you were gone. I knew where to look for you. It was like hide and seek because you heard me calling your name. Maybe then you didn’t think it was funny anymore and decided to come back to me because I sure didn’t think it was funny!
How about the day I was getting my hair done when the door was cracked an inch? I was all in the cape and my hair was being processed for color. I saw through the corner of my eye that you escaped. My adrenaline was pumping when I began to chase you. You took off onto the sidewalk. The louder I called your name, the faster you ran, you little shit! You ran through Deleware street on a red light. I chased and chased. 3 blocks down the street you ran after a poodle and decided to continue but the yard was fenced and I cornered you. You must have been laughing inside because you had your little game with me. You ran, I chased, you felt like “mommie I know you’ll find me but let me run free for a little while.” Is that what you wanted Lobo is to be free? You are now, so please be happy!!!!
You also left me one day at Fort Funston when you ran away. You ran all the way down the beach and I couldn’t find you. I took Jasmine home and waited for the call. Sure enough, the lady that found you took you on top of the staircase and called me twice. I had Mike get you and take you home to me. Did you really want to leave me then or were you just having fun? You kept leaving me. I kept finding you and bringing you home where you belonged.
At Alpine Valley, you took off running when I left the car door open to get lift tickets. Did you wanted to taste high altitude freedom?
Please watch over me as I need you now more than ever. You were my comfort, my soul mate as much as you pissed me off sometimes.
December 7 1996 – September 5 2006
One Who possessed Beauty without Vanity....Strength without Insolence....Courage without Ferocity....And all the Virtues of Man without his Vices Lord ByronWhere To Bury A Dog
Beneath a cherry tree, or an apple, or any flowering shrub is an excellent place to bury a good dog. Beneath such trees, such shrubs, he slept in the drowsy summer, or gnawed at a flavorful bone, or lifted his head to challenge some strange intruder. These are good places, in life or in death.
Yet it is a small matter. For if the dog be well remembered, if sometimes he leaps through your dreams as actual as in life, eyes kindling, laughing, begging, it matters not at all where the dog sleeps. On a hill where the wind is unrebuked, and the trees are roaring, or beside a stream he knew in puppyhood, or somewhere in the flatness of a pasture land where cattle graze. It is all one to you, and nothing is gained, and nothing lost if memory lives. But there is one best place to bury a dog.
If you will bury him in this spot, he will come to you when you call come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl at him nor resent his coming, for he belongs there. People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no whimper, who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing.
The one best place to bury a dog is in the heart of his master.
Ben LampmanRaleigh you are buried in my heart forever. I still can' believe you are no longer here. You were my whole life, my best friend. How hard we battled the seizure monster that ruined your life! So many times I thought we had it stopped but nothing seemed to work for long. I would do it all again if I could just hold you one more time. You were the most loyal, loving dog I have ever known and having you in my life was an honor. Through you God taught me many lessons about giving my love unconditionally. I will never get over losing you. Wait for me. I will hold you again for all Eternity.
April 22 2002 - September 29 2006
Captain was with us for a short time but he managed to squeeze ten years of
cuddles and happiness into those three very short years. Our parting was a
mutual decision, you were already on your way! A true Captain.waiting for
Laura and Sabine
Oct 16 2006
I don't know Trudy's birthday or much about her history. I rescued her and was told she came from a breeder going out of business. She ws pregnant when I took her in. vet believes she was less than 2 years old. I am comforted by knowing the 2 months she spent with me she was loved and cared for . She knew it too. i could tell by her behavior she had never had it so good. And she was grateful. She left 2 beautiful pups. The more you love the harder you grieve.i will see you again Trudy .....
waiting for
Raven Miss B Haven
12/20/05 – 11/11/06
Our beloved, 11 month old, Australian Shepherd puppy, Raven was released from this earth this afternoon @ 3:30pm. She spent her last day playing with some puppy friends, going to the dog park, getting muddy, spending time with us, and eating an In & Out cheese burger!
She loved it.
She came to us at 7 weeks and was a pistol from the start. She had a strong will and an outgoing personality. This dog knew no anger or fear. She never, ever, showed aggression and was ALWAYS willing to play. She liked to give kisses, cuddle, jump up on people, eat, chew on her bone, play bite, and play tug-of-war. She was so strong willed that she would try to dominate a pit bull, and if the pit pinned her she would jump right up and keep trying, she was only 40lbs.! She would play with a Mastiff or a Chihuahua, a child or an adult. She loved everyone! She was good off leash, she could sit, stay, down, she knew what “go outside” meant, and she would wait to eat until you said it was ok. She was a smart dog that learned things very quickly. She was a mischievous dog who loved to get in trouble! Unfortunately she liked to eat poo, plants, and chew on anything she could get her little teeth on! I have things all over the house that have her teeth marks on them; she even chewed my new social security card!
When she wanted something or she wanted attention she would make a funny sound that sounded like a Wookiee (Chewbacca on Star Wars). She wined if you didn’t pet her and loved having her chest rubbed. She was challenging and loving; a very complex puppy!
She suffered from canine idiopathic epilepsy. We fought hard to control it but it just kept getting worse. The decision to put her down was the hardest thing I’ve EVER done and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
I miss her, I love her. I wish I could turn back time and heal her. She brought a joy to my life that I’d never had and may never have again.
Her official, AKC, registered name was: Raven Beauty but she went by many names, here are a few:
Raven, Raven Miss B. Haven, Miss B., B, BB, The Terrorist, Pumpkin, Major Pain, Pain, Pee-Wee, Pee-Wee Bear, Bear, Pooie, Poo, Poo bear, Poo butt, Baby bear, Tunker butt, The Brat, Little One, Bratticus Maximus, Baby B, Lil B, Punker, Fluffer Nuff, Stinker Butt, Big ol' stupid dumb butt head, Love, Lil Love, Lovie, Honey, Sweetie, Lovely, Punkie, Bee-Wee, and Daughter.
We miss you Raven, rest in peace and I hope you greet us on the other side!
Mike & Lauren Logan
May 19, 1998 - December ? 2006
Sheba, you beautiful and sweet odd-eyed Sheltie girl, you are now reunited with your human daddy Don who loved you so much and who tried everything to put a stop to your seizures, but who unfortunately, totally unexpectedly, was called to a better world almost three years ago.
For nearly three years you lived with Todd and with your little canine brother Sammy. I'm sure you got lots of love and the best possible care there, and I know that Todd, Kerri, Ruth, Sammy, big boy Rusty and the whole family miss you heaps.
Please Sheb/Sheeb/Sheba, say hi from all of us to Don,
Chris & family in Belgium
Music from "Amarantine"
If I Could Be Where You Are - Enya
"If I Could Be Where You Are"
Lyrics written by Roma Ryan
Where are you this moment?
only in my dreams.
You're missing, but you're always
a heartbeat from me.
I'm lost now without you,
I don't know where you are.
I keep watching, I keep hoping,
but time keeps us apart
Is there a way I can find you,
is there a sign I should know,
is there a road I could follow,
to bring you back home?
Winter lies before me
now you're so far away
In the darkness of my dreaming
The light of you will stay
If I could be close beside you
if I could be where you are
if I could reach out and touch you
and bring you back home
Is there a way I can find you,
is there a sign I should know,
is there a road I could follow,
to bring you back home to me