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Alternative & Holistic Methods

Compiled by Kathi Dvorak & Heidi Ponagai

Epil-K9 does not endorse any of the methods listed below. We offer them for your education only.

AHVMA Directory:


Essential Oils and Aromatherapy:

Flower Essences:

Rescue Remedy is a human homeopathic remedy made by Bach Flower Essences, and can be obtained at any health food store. Many of the list dogs respond very well to 4 drops being placed in the mouth either before , during or after a seizure. Postictal (the aftermath of a seizure) in some cases, can be cut to only a few minutes. As with all medications and methods not all dogs respond, however enough do to make this a very useful tool. There have been no scientific studies as to the efficacy of this product.

Gold Bead Implants:



Vitamins / Supplements:


Reiki energy can relieve pain, reduce tension, and increase the life force of animal patients.


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Vitamins and Supplements:

In this day and age, it would be rare to see vitamin deficiency in our dogs. Individuals feeding a good quality commercial dog food to a healthy animal probably do not need to add vitamins to their dog's diet. However, many owners of epileptic dogs have discovered that vitamins may help. The following are vitamins often used and what role they play in our dogs health:

Vitamin B Complex - Important to the nerve tissue and cell functions throughout the body. The body does not store B vitamins and they are required daily. Excess is excreted by the kidneys so B vitamins are relatively nontoxic.

Vitamin C - (also known as Ascorbic Acid) - Assists in detoxification and is an antioxidant.

Vitamin E - Functions in the body as an antioxidant and is required for maintenance of cell membrane structure

Zinc (taken in part from a post to epil-k9 by Maureen Setter with approval)

Zinc deficiency might cause seizures in a dog. Dr. Dodman, from Tufts University, in his book entitled "The Dog Who Loved Too Much" discusses a compulsive/obsessive dog in chapter 6 that fits the previous statement. In 1990 an article by M. Fukahori and M. Itoh entitled "Effects of dietary zinc status on seizure susceptibility and hippocampal zinc content in the El (epilepsy) mouse" further noted that zinc deficiency caused convulsive seizures in the mouse. Zinc has also been recommended for people with epilepsy.



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Page last update: 02/07/2016

Fund-Raising Projects for
Anti Epileptic Drug Research
and DNA Epilepsy Research

What's Wrong With Gibson?
Children's illustrated story
book about canine epilepsy.
Percentage of proceeds will be
donated to support canine
epilepsy research. Click
graphic above to order!