How to Join the EPIL-K9 Email List
Send an e-mail to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM with a blank subject header and the following in the body of the message
SUBSCRIBE EPIL-K9 then, your first name and last name.
We must have BOTH names otherwise we cannot subscribe you.
Once you have been subscribed, you will receive a list of instructions on how to post messages and other commands. Please keep them in a mail box in your electronic mail program, you will need them to manage your subscription.
Epil-K9 is truly an extended family giving hope, help and support to its many members.
Please Note: This is a very large and active list and it generates a lot of mail. You may prefer to set your subscription to "digest" so that you can read the posts at your leisure.
We have just added interactive archives. This will now allow members to do searches and also to manage their subscription very easily. For those of you who are not members of Epil-K9 you can also join the list using this Web interface.
Here are the basic commands a list member needs to manage their subscription.
To send mail to all the people subscribed to the list, send mail to EPIL-K9@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM *Never* send anything except correspondenceto EPIL-K9. Any subscription options (commands) you need to use (unsubscribe, digest, etc.) *must* be sent to the listserver, at Listserv@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM. More on commands below.
You may leave the list at any time by sending a SIGNOFF EPIL-K9 command to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM
For all of them, you must send an email to LISTSERV@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM Leave the subject line blank and put the appropriate command in the body of the message. Do not type anything after the commands. If you have a signature file, disable that feature before sending your message or your commands may not take effect. Type ONLY the words which are NOT enclosed in parentheses.
HELP: (Gives you basic commands)
SET EPIL-K9 DIGESTS (You will stop receiving each message at the time it is sent to the List, and will instead receive a daily log from the List containing all the individual messages. You will still be able to post at any time. This saves diskspace.)
SET EPIL-K9 NODIGESTS :(You will resume receiving individual messages instead of the daily log)
SET EPIL-K9 NOMAIL: (Temporarily suspends your mail while you are on vacation, busy, etc. Please do not use this option indefinitely. Unsubscribe if you are no longer interested in receiving EPIL-K9 mail)
SET EPIL-K9 MAIL :(Resumes your temporarily suspended mail, whether individual or digests)
CHANGE EPIL-K9 new-address: (To change your email address. In this situation (you changing it yourself), you must send the command from your old address and of course your new address must already be established)
Epil-K9 Policy Statement
The purpose of the Epil-K9 list is to provide a clearing house for ideas and commentary on problems we face dealing with canine epilepsy. It is not the function of the list and/or its owners to promote any veterinary practices, protocols or procedures. Any veterinary medical advice should be dispensed only by a professional vet. The giving of canine health care advice is beyond our competence and training. In the past,we have allowed promotions to be advertised on the list for organizations that provide advice and information with regard to specific canine health care/medical issues. We should endeavor to divorce and sever any connection that our list has with such organizations and eliminate any promotion or advertisement of these organizations on our list. By doing so, we can insulate the list, its owners and members from any liability and/or legal fees which the list may suffer as a result of a perceived legal connection between our list and these organizations.
List members are perfectly free to join in and take part in any private
communication concerning such veterinary medical issues. We, as list owners,
simply cannot endorse any veterinary medical procedures or organizations
promoting same.
List Owners:- Marion Mitchell, Chris Desmedt, Kathy Linder, Jeannette Turnstall, Jean Collinson and Anne Pelagatti.
Page last update: 08/19/2019