Canine Epilepsy, Non Epileptic Seizures, and Conditions that Mimic Canine Epilepsy
Canine Epilepsy
- A Brief Overview of Canine Epilepsy : Marion Mitchell
- Important Issues Regarding Seizures: William Thomas DVM, Dipl.ACVIM(Neurology)
- Why Does My Dog Have Seizures? : Roy Dvorak.
- Canine Epilepsy Links on the WWW.
- Glossary of Seizure Terminology.
- Canine Epilepsy FAQ: Alicia Wiersma-Aylward.
- Seizures in Dogs : Thomas K. Graves D.V.M.
- Alternative/Holistic Approaches: including Milk Thistle, Rescue Remedy, Gold bead Implants & Chinese Medicine.
- Epilepsy, Convulsions and Seizures, Holistic Approaches: Mary Wulff-Tilford & Gregory Tilford
- Understanding Your Pet's Epilepsy: Dr Dennis O'Brien DVM
- Lafora Disease: an inherited form of epilepsy which can occur spontaneously in any breed of dog, but it particularly affects the miniature wire-haired dachshund, bassett hound and beagle
- Impacts of Epilepsy of Dogs on their Caregivers: Added 03/26/17: North Carolina State University Research, College of Veterinary Medicine
- CBD trial results ‘encouraging’ for dogs with epilepsy: Added 6/29/19

Please take the time to watch the video below on why dogs have seizures.
It has very good information about why dogs have seizures and it definitely worth watching, especially for people who are new to canine epilepsy. The video is by Mercola and they have a lot of great pet health videos on their main YouTube channel as well as on their pet health channel.

Non Epileptic Seizures ( Also Known as Secondary Epilepsy) Caused by an Underlying Disease.
- Brain Tumors, Hydrocephalus, Porto-Systemic Shunt. Hypoglycemia, Diabetes and Cushings Disease : William Thomas D.V.M. and Barbara Eamous
- Vestibular Disease: W.B.Thomas DVM. MS, Dipl. ACVIM (Neurology)
- Seizures, Narcolepsy and REM: W.B.Thomas DVM. MS, Dipl. ACVIM (Neurology) Just added info on DNA testing for some breeds
- Lead Poisoning and Seizures : W.B.Thomas DVM. MS, Dipl. ACVIM (Neurology)
- Hypothyroidism, Epilepsy and Phenobarbital:William Thomas DVM, Dipl.ACVIM(Neurology)
- The Low Thyroid Seizure Connection : W. Jean Dodds D.V.M.
- Autoimmune Thyroid Disease -A Common Problem in Pure Bred Dogs : W. Jean Dodds D.V.M.
- Directory of Laboratories that test for Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Conditions that Mimic Canine Epilepsy
- Canine Epileptoid Cramping ( Spikes Disease) A recently diagnosed canine health problem and hereditary canine disease in Border Terriers.
- Episodic Falling in Cavalier King Charles Spanielsis frequently misdiagnosed as epilepsy and in mild cases may be written off as an odd event or quirk. Your veterinarian or breeder may be unaware that the disease exists because it is just being recognized in some parts of the world.
- Syncope: Sandie Snider
Page last update: 06/29/2019