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Veterinary Profession Q & A



How does someone become a veterinarian?
The academic requirements are as follows: A person attends approximately 4 years of undergraduate school and four years of veterinary school.

What is a board-certified specialist?
After becoming a veterinarian, many times individuals will go on to become board-certified specialists. This is accomplished by completing the post-doctoral education and experience requirements. This usually includes a 1 year internship and a 3 year residency program in their field of study and by passing exams in their chosen specialty. There are colleges for internal medicine, surgery, anesthesiology, behavior and many others. For a full list of "Specialty Organizations" click here

I often see ACVIM after a veterinarians name. What does this mean?
ACVIM is the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. As discussed above, this is a board-certified specialist. The college was organized to establish requirements and certify veterinarians as specialists in veterinary internal medicine. The ACVIM includes specialists in internal medicine, neurology, oncology, and cardiology. If a veterinarian is board certified in neurology the title would be "Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology)". There are currently over 80 board certified neurologists in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Where can I find more Veterinary organizations?
The abbreviations given above are a small sampling. For more veterinary & animal science organizations click here:


Page last update: 12/13/2011

Fund-Raising Projects for
Anti Epileptic Drug Research
and DNA Epilepsy Research

What's Wrong With Gibson?
Children's illustrated story
book about canine epilepsy.
Percentage of proceeds will be
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graphic above to order!